Colonial Williamsburg Fall 2016 Day 2

On day two, I wore the riding habit. It was overcast all morning, but it held off long enough for the fife and drum march - we got to see Clare again!
<3 even="" i="" if="" it="" overcast="" was="">Even if it was overcast, it was HOT, mostly because of the humidity. Kristi and I retreated to the cool shade of the Carpenter's shop to play the harpsichord again. 

 Clare knew more about my riding habit than I did, and tied my scarf for me <3 p="">

Never mess with a girl with a musket ;)

Lunch at the King's Arms. 
We got to see our waiter from last time - he remembered us!

 Stuck a feather in her hat and called it macaroni!

Next we decided to do something crazy. It started raining cats and dogs at lunch time. My parents went back to our hotel and left Kristi and I do have are adventures in the rain. We decided to walk to Great Hopes Plantation. Yeah. It's over half a mile in the pouring rain. We had one umbrella, but it didn't do much good. Our petticoats were soaked up to our waists, but my habit coat actually kept me dry! When we got to our destination about fifteen minutes later, we saw our friend Jonah. We spent the rest of the afternoon with several interpreters sorting tobacco. 
Even if the weather was horrible, we had a lot of fun!
We retreated back to the hotel to dry our things and eat dinner.
That night, we decided to brave the downpour (which did't let up AT ALL) and go out to Chowning's Tavern. At first, no one was there, but as the night wore on, more brave souls came out.

 Ms. Lynn, the lady who let Kristi play the viola de Gamba, was there and she introduced us an AMAZING fiddler, Mr. David. They let Kristi and I play in the tavern! How epic is that?! Kristi and I played fiddle tunes in the tavern by candle light!

 Our new friends! <3 p="">


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