The Patriot's Riding Habit

I've wanted to make a riding habit for a while, and finally started one a few months ago, but then life happened and I didn't work on it for a long time, then I decided to finish it for our upcoming trip to Colonial Williamsburg *squeals*. This will be my fourth trip! I decided to make the habit look like the generals uniforms, so it's kind of a cosplay project. I draped the entire thing to myself which had it's trouble spots, but was enjoyable just the same. Enough talking - here are the pictures!

Ready to cut out the waistcoat from the drafted pattern

Waistcoat lining with puffy shirt 
(the sleeves on the puffy shirt are ridiculously puffy :D )

 And now with the fabric

 And then I started draping the coat. 
I'm sorry the lighting is so bad!

 I didn't take any pictures of the construction of the coat, but here it is after I added the sleeves

 And here it is after I had to modify the sleeves... you've got to love making it up as you go along ;)

I found a silk scarf and white gloves at a thrift store

Got to love the kitchen in the background ;)

Now it's almost done - I'm waiting for 50 brass tone buttons to come in the mail, and I need to go to Hobby Lobby to get some button molds for the waistcoat etc.

I finally finished on September 29th.


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