Homeschool Ball Dress Sneak Peak

We arrived home from Williamsburg, and went back to our busy schedule. This last Friday it dawned on me that "Oh my! The Homeschool Ball is in one week, and my dress isn't nearly done!!"
I reluctantly went to the sewing room. I say reluctantly because I haven't liked this dress from the beginning. But I need to have something to wear to the ball! Since fairy godmothers aren't the kind of things you can pull out of your closet whenever you need them, I decided to sew the dress whether I liked it or not. I sewed on the overskirt, hemmed the ruffle, put in the invisible zipper, then tried it on...
To my surprise, I LOVED it!! 
My younger sister was saying "told you so!" because she was 
telling me all along that it would be great.
I don't want to share pictures until after the ball, but here is a sneak peak :)
(just back views :) )


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