Williamsburg 2016 Day 1

I'm introducing a several part series for our wonderful trip to CW!! :D 
a random llama in the car... we get goofy when we're board. :D 

We went with some wonderful Christian friends - the more the merrier!!
I lost count of how many times we had our pictures taken by complete strangers. :D :D 

 Out side the Capital building for Pleading Her Cause.

Walking down Duke of Gloucester Street :D 

Walking in the garden...

So many people asked to take our pictures here - I guess we looked good sitting on the fence outside the Raleigh ;)

The young Mrs. Washington and her brother Bartholomew Dandridge on their beautiful Cleveland Bay horses - Isabella and Lancer.

So if you've ever gone to CW, you've probably crossed paths with Captain/ Colonel James Innes. He is the most outspoken Patriot who also posses a sense of humor! We were talking with him about various things - mostly the war. He encouraged us young ladies to lead by example in supporting the war effort, and suggested that we burn our fine gowns in the street. We suggested something less violent, so we settled on burning tea. ;)
In the end, he called us "three pound cannons" for the war effort.

... and that would be Innes being Innes...

We visited the Tucker House for a conversation with Baptist preacher Gowan Pamphlet.

We went to a program about Martha Washington called "Courage to be Martha Washington".
Katherine Pittman played the role of "the Young Martha" and Lee Ann Rose played the"Vintage Martha".

Later, we joined the Militia as nurses, and marched down DoG to the courthouse, to prepare for the siege of Yorktown. There, we received a speech from General George Washington. 

General Washington on his horse...

Firing a cannon...

As we were marching back down DoG street, Captain Innes saw us girls, removed his hat and called "God save the spartan women!":D 
The fife and drum core...

Everyone was happy and laughing. But I thought about how I would feel if I were really there when that event actually took place. I knew I would be in tears because many of my friends would be leaving to go fight that last battle and might never come back. 
The bravery of the people that made America amazes me and leaves me speechless. 
And the evidence of God's divine providence always leaves me awestruck. 
I pray that by the grace of God I would have that same bravery in the time of crisis.

Oh, and I did happen to eat an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting... I guess walking makes me hungry... :D 


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