Arwen's Dream Gown | Homeschool Ball 2017

Tailgates at Taco Bell, near collisions in the intersection reel, and lots of fandoms oh my! 
The 2017 Homeschool Ball was definitely a night to remember! 
This year's gown was the easiest to make yet, and also was the most comfortable! I actually wasn't overheated once whereas in years past I felt like I was on fire. This year's theme was "An Evening at the Library" so I chose to go as someone from the Lord of the Rings. Because the book isn't overly descriptive about costumes, and the movie has some amazing interpretations, I decided to make Arwen's gown from the dream scene in LOTR the Two Towers:

The hardest part was finding the right colored fabric, but after a day of searching through three fabric stores, I found something that would work. I used a lavender shantung taffeta and some lavender chiffon layered on top of each other, and it turned out very nicely! Kristi got me Arwen's Evenstar necklace for Christmas, and I purchased elvish ear cuffs on esty.

 I curled my hair and brushed it out to make soft waves, and added a few waterfall braids and regular braids. As is tradition, Kristi and I did a photo shoot before we left so here is an overload of pictures!

We didn't get many pictures of the dancing, but as usual, a professional photographer was hired to take pictures during the entire event, so I'll have another post soon with more pictures.

So after the dance was over, some friends decided it would be fun if we could get a group together to hang out a little longer. We tried going to Wendy's and IHOP, but both were closed, so we went to TacoBell. Only the drive through was open, so yeah... we had a tailgate in the parking lot until midnight! We were all really conspicuous in our costumes (we were dressed as characters from LOTR, Narnia, Beauty and the Beast, and Assassin's Creed to name a few) and it was really fun to watch peoples reactions to us!
Thank you so much for reading! More soon! :D 


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