Civil War Undergarments

This year's homeschool ball is a masquerade theme - 
so I can make anything, and just add a mask, right?
For the last year I have been thinking about wearing a Southern Belle gown.
After watching the 1953 German movie Sissi multiple times (which is set in the 1850's) 
I knew that was what I wanted to do.
And of corse I had to go all out with historically accurate undergarments. 
(Why do I do these things to myself?? :) )

Corset: Simplicity 9769

Pinned and ready to cut out on a canvas drape I found at goodwill ;)

All ready to sew!

One half done...

... and both halves done!

After sewing some channels, and killing my hands 
by pounding grommets into the back...

It doesn't have the boning in it yet - that's still in the mail :)
I whipped up the chemise this morning.

enter the hoop!
I got a new hoop the other day. It was all twisted up into this little package when I got it. I started to untwist it when BAM! it exploded. Always open hoop skirts with caution - lesson learned.


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